General Information

Please take a look at Note to visitors before your visit.


Mon., during screening preparation, between exhibitions; Dec 25, 2023-Jan 4, 2024.

We may also close occasionally for changing of exhibits and maintenance activities.
Schedules, titles and contents of the exhibitions may be changed without notice.

Ticket & Hours

Nagase Memorial Theatre OZU and B1 Theatre

For annual schedule 2024, please see the following page.


¥310 for high school and university and college students and seniors (age 65 or over)
¥100 for elementary and junior high school students

  • * Different fees will be charged for special programs.



11:00 – 18:30 (admission until 18:00)

  • * Last Friday of every month: 11:00-20:00 (admission until 19:30) 


¥250 (group admission ¥200)
¥130 (group admission ¥60) for university and college students
free for seniors (age 65 or over), high school students and under 18

  • * Persons with disability and one person accompanying each of them are admitted free of charge.
  • * Free on May. 18, International Museum Day and Nov. 3, Culture Day.



12:00 – 18:00 (admission until 17:30)


Sun., Mon., Wed., national holidays, and the days when the NFAJ is closed.

Wi-Fi service

“nfaj-free-wifi” is Wi-Fi service offered by the NFAJ that enables Internet access via wireless LAN.

How to connect

Turn on Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) on your device, and then select “nfaj-free-wifi” from the network list.

  • No registration is required.
  • The service is offered in the first floor, the second floor lobby, the basement first floor lobby, the seventh floor lobby and the library on the fourth floor.
  • The service is available on any device compliant with IEEE802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi standards.
  • Only in the library, you can use the outlet of your PCs etc. for research purposes.
  • The Wi-Fi communication itself is not encrypted. Therefore, it is recommended to use secure websites whose URLs begin with “https,” where the communication between your device and the server is encrypted.


Q. Can I watch videos or DVDs?

A. No. NFAJ does not store any accessible videos or DVDs.

Q. Is there a restaurant?

A. No. But there is a vending machine on the first floor. NFAJ is located in an area with many restaurants and cafes.

Q. Is there a museum shop?

A. No. But you can purchase publications etc. of the NFAJ or the former NFC at the reception desks on the first floor.

Campus members

The National Museum of Art Campus Members Program for students and teachers at member tertiary educational institutions promotes a deepening understanding of art and engagement between art museums and the member schools through free admission to collection exhibitions and NFAJ film screenings, along with discount admission to special and co-sponsored exhibitions and screenings.  (in Japanese)