Facility Guide

National Film Archive of Japan, Kyobashi Main Building

National Film Archive of Japan (NFAJ) is a national institution dedicated to the preservation and research of films and is a full member of the Fédération Internationale des Archives du Film (FIAF).  Japanese and foreign films and film-related materials are collected, preserved, and restored at NFAJ.  There are also series of film screenings under diverse themes, books and periodicals on films that are open to the public in the library, and film-related materials that are on display in the gallery.
In conjunction with the Agency for Cultural Affairs, NFAJ selects fine films to be shown and promoted in public halls all over Japan.  Moreover, information is exchanged on a global level with fellow institutions of the FIAF.

1F Entrance

There is a general reception desk at the entrance.

2F Nagase Memorial Theatre OZU | B1F B1 Theatre

Nagase Memorial Theatre OZU
B1 Theatre

Screenings are held in Nagase Memorial Theatre OZU and B1 Theatre. Programs focus on specific topics such as directors, countries or genres.

Nagase Memorial Theatre OZU is equipped with a variety of projectors corresponding to the diverse formats that have emerged in the history of films. Serial shows under different themes are shown in this theater, which can seat 310 people. Like Nagase Memorial Theatre OZU, this theater is also equipped with the state-of-the-art projectors and can seat 151 people.

For current and upcoming programs, please see  the following pages.

Nagase Memorial Theatre OZU

Floor area306㎡
Total screen size4.60m×9.70m
Aspect ratio 1:1.374.00m×5.50m
Aspect ratio 1:1.664.00m×6.64m
Aspect ratio 1:1.854.00m×7.40m
Aspect ratio 1:2.354.00m×9.40m
Projectors35mm and 70mm Projector: Kinoton FP75ES (2 projectors)16mm Projector: Kinoton FP38E (2 projectors)Digital Cinema Projector: NEC NC3240S-A
Projection distance23.00m
SoundFilm: Dolby Digital Surround EX (6.1ch)
Digital: 7.1ch
 B1 Theatre
Floor area190㎡
Total screen size3.30m×8.70m
Aspect ratio 1:1.373.00m×4.11m
Aspect ratio 1:1.663.00m×4.98m
Aspect ratio 1:1.853.00m×5.55m
Aspect ratio 1:2.353.00m×7.05m
Projectors35mm and 16mm Projector: Kinoton FP38E (2 projectors)Digital Cinema Projector: NEC NC3200S
Projection distance16.60m
SoundFilm: Dolby Digital Surround EX (6.1ch)
Digital: 7.1ch
Entrance of Nagase Memorial Theatre OZU
Lobby of Nagase Memorial Theatre OZU

4F Library

Books and periodicals on films are held for public reading.

For more details, please see the following page.

7F Gallery

The Lobby
Permanent Exhibition “Nihon Eiga: The History of Japanese Film From the NFAJ Non-film Collection”

Film posters, still photographs, equipments and other film-related documents and artifacts are shown in the permanent and temporary exhibitions.

For current and upcoming programs, please see  the following pages.

Sagamihara Conservation Center

At the Sagamihara Conservation Center of NFAJ, situated in the former site of the US Army Camp Fuchinobe, the collected films and non-film materials are safely conserved under the proper condition of temperature and humidity controlled by the 24-hour air conditioning system.  Inspection and documentation of the collected films and materials are also conducted there.

*Not open to the public

Archive I

Completed in 1986, Archive I can store up to 220,000 cans of films.  Film cans are put in the movable shelves divided so as to contain each can individually.  The screening hall in this Archive is used for test screenings for inspection and joint screening projects with Sagamihara City.

Archive Ⅱ

Archive II, completed in 2011, enables another 266,000 cans of films to be stored, and it has special rooms to store film related materials under the proper condition of temperature and humidity.  All the film storage rooms in this Archive are designed to prevent vinegar syndrome.  Air socks are introduced to prevent convection and traffic lines are improved to facilitate effective operation.

Archive Ⅲ

Archive III (Important Cultural Property Film Storage) is completed in 2014 to preserve films, as its other name suggests, including the ones designated as Important Cultural Properties, restraining their deterioration.  All of the films designated as Important Cultural Properties so far are nitrate films, which are highly flammable and legally designated as a Type 5 Category 1 hazardous material.  This Archive is designed for their safe and prolonged preservation.

Overview of each building

Sagamihara Conservation Center

Site Area14,997m2
Building Area2,731m2
Archive Ⅰ1,504m2
Archive Ⅱ1,090m2
Archive Ⅲ137m2
Building Total Area9,576m2
Archive Ⅰ4,510m2
Archive Ⅱ4,927m2
Archive Ⅲ139m2

Archive I

Floor Space
1st Floor1,477m2
2nd Floor296m2
1st Basement1,369m2
2nd Basement1,369m2
Facility Space
Film Storage (18 rooms) 2,885m2
Screening Hall (200 seats)526m2
Office & film inspection room692m2
other facilities407m2
StructureRC, 2 floors above the ground and 2 below
Building ExteriorPorcelain glazed tiles
Storage Capacity220,000 cans
DesignAshihara Architect & Associates (completed in 1986)
Design ManagementConstruction Bureau for Kanto Region, Ministry of Construction; Ashihara Architect & Associates
Temperature and Humidity
Film Storage (1st Basement)Temperature: 10℃ (±2℃)
Humidity: 40%RH (±5%RH)
Film Storage (2nd Basement)Temperature: 5℃ (±2℃)
Humidity: 40%RH (±5%RH)

Archive Ⅱ

Floor Space
1st Floor995m2
2nd Floor  363m2
1st Basement1,792m2
2nd Basement1,777m2
Facility Space
Film Storage (18 rooms)2,144m2
Film Documents Storage (2 rooms) 158m2
Film Equipment Storage 174m2
Film inspection room100m2
Other facilities2,352m2
StructureRC, 2 floors above the ground and 2 below
Building ExteriorExterior heat insulating brick
Storage capacity266,000 cans
DesignYasui Architects & Engineers, Inc. (completed in 2011)
Design ManagementThe National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; Yasui Architects & Engineers, Inc.
Temperature and Humidity
Film Document Storage and Equipment Storage (1st Floor)Temperature: 21℃ (±2℃)
Humidity: 50%RH (±5%RH)
Storage (1st Basement)Temperature: 10℃ (±2℃)
Humidity: 40%RH (±5%RH)
Storage (2nd Basement)Temperature: 5℃ (±2℃)
Humidity: 40%RH (±5%RH)

Archive Ⅲ

Floor Space
1st Floor131m2
Penthouse 7m2
Facility Space
Film Storage (3 rooms)45m2
Other facilities93m2
StructureRC, 1 floor above the ground
Building ExteriorExterior heat insulating dry tile
Storage Capacity1,152 cans
DesignYasui Architects & Engineers, Inc. (completed in 2014)
Design ManagementThe National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; Yasui Architects & Engineers, Inc.
Temperature and Humidity
Film Storage (1st Floor)Temperature: 2℃ (±2℃)
Humidity: 35%RH (±5%RH)
Film Acclimation Room (1st Floor)Temperature: 5~15℃ (±2℃)
Humidity: 35%RH (±5%RH)
The Front Room (1st Floor)Temperature: 26℃ (±2℃)
Humidity: 50%RH (±5%RH)